Makati Aikido Club
Relentlessly pursuing excellence


2012 May 11 - 13 Seminar with Shingo Nakao Sensei, 6th dan

Some photos from the Nakao seminar
Photos: RSReyes

Shingo Nakao Sensei, a student of Seishiro Endo Shihan (8th dan) of Hombu Dojo, will conduct a five-session seminar for all interested students on May 11 - 13. This is the second joint project of Aikido Philippines, FFA, and PAPA for 2012.


International School Manila (ISM)


May 11 (Friday) 1800 - 1930 hrs
May 12 (Saturday) 0900 - 1130 hrs and 1800 - 1930 hrs
May 13 (Sunday) 0900 - 1130 hrs and 1800 - 1930 hrs
Contribution A suggested minimum of 100 pesos per session; contribute as you enter the seminar venue

Car Pass Advisory

Please provide us your car plate number if you are bringing your car to the seminar. We need to give a list of all the attendees and the car plate numbers to ISM as a security requirement of the school. Please e-mail your car plate number to

Other details

Nakao Sensei will also be accompanied by his wife Akiko. Aikiko Nakao Sensei also instructs in Aikido. She both studies and instructs in Jodo at Seibukan Dojo as well. Her Jodo instructor is Moriyoshi Obata Sensei. He is a direct student of Shigehiro Matsumura Sensei of Kobukan Dojo. The Jodo group in Kobe is a branch of Kobujodokai in Japan.

We hope you can join us.

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